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Video – Campus Safety and Security Emergency Procedures: Shooting / Violent Armed Individual

Posted on by admin

Types of Shooting Incident/Situation

The type of shooting incident/situation will determine the appropriate response. If you are outdoors, immediately seek cover and move away from the line of fire. If you are indoors, immediately get down, move away from all windows and if possible, block or secure the room door to prevent the suspect(s) from entering.

Do not evacuate rooms or the building until instructed to do so by an authorized security officer, or police officer, or school employee with proper identification, or unless it is absolutely clear that it is safe to do so. Special precautions must be taken to ensure that persons who have impaired hearing are notified and persons with disabilities are assisted as appropriate.

Call 911 (9-911). Do not hang up on the dispatcher until instructed to do so. The following information should be provided: Indicate that there has been a shooting or that someone has been shot. The exact location of the suspect(s) including the building number (if applicable), floor number (if applicable), room number (if applicable), nearest landmarks (bookstore, cafeteria, etc.) and your best possible description of the incident, scene, and suspect.


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